Mobile Phones Reach 75% of the Planet
Most people today carry a
cellphone, whether they live in an industrialized Western nation or in one of the many developing nations around the world. Cellphones are more than just communication devices for many people, thanks to increased technology and telecommunication networks. Phones take pictures, allow you to check emails for work, provide entertainment through applications and videos, allow you to bank from anywhere on Earth, and serve as the way to form and maintain social connections with friends and family. If you have ever wondered how many people around the world use their cellphones, and how it is possible for so many individuals to have this relatively new technology, read on.
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phones in the Hands of 75% of the World
Cellphones are no longer restricted only to the very wealthy around the world. In fact, five of the six billion mobile phone users on Earth are from developing countries. Since cellphones have increased what they can do and can effectively replace televisions, land line phones, and computers, even the poorest individuals who can afford a cellphone are willing to buy one. Phones are also finding their way into the hands of younger and younger users; children as young as five and six are now using their own.